Outstanding Account Management with Siemens

Many companies have an established Account Management approach and teams but often it is not working the way they want it to.  Mercuri International has helped many companies to improve their business in the following areas:

  • Maximising customer revenues through selling the complete portfolio profitably.
  • Effective cross selling and up selling within accounts.
  • Defining and communicating  the real tangible value they can bring to their Key Accounts.
  • Effective use of account planning tools and processes to achieve account growth and enable decision making for resource investment.
  • Virtual Account Team Leadership and Management.
  • Influence without authority within their own organisation.
  • Ensuring that solution, services and product delivery meets and exceeds customer expectation.

If you would like to know more about how we helped one company, Siemens, address some of these issues please click on the videos links below.  You can either go through the whole journey or dip into one of the topics listed here.

  • Why Mercuri – Why did Siemens choose Mercuri International.
  • Analysis – What analysis did we do to ensure that our solution focussed on the issues that would make the most difference to Siemens.
  • Consultancy – How did we work together to build the solutions.
  • Training – What did the training include.
  • Implementation – How was the training implemented.
  • Consolidation – How was the initial implementation consolidated.
  • Advice to Others – What advice would Siemens give to others who have a similar situation.
  • Outcomes – what has been the effect on the business and the people.

Do you want to know more about Account Management?

Contact us by phone, mail or press the ‘Contact’ button below.